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What is a Male Midwife Called? Breaking Gender Stereotypes in Maternity Care

What is a Male Midwife Called? Breaking Gender Stereotypes in Maternity Care

In 2025, more men than ever are working in jobs people once thought were only for women. One of those jobs is midwifery. If you’ve been wondering, what is a male midwife called, you’re not alone. It’s a question people ask more often these days, especially as more students apply to licensed practical nursing schools to join healthcare fields like this one.

Let’s explore the answer and learn why male midwives are important in today’s hospitals and birthing centers.

Can a Man Be a Midwife?

Yes! Men can be midwives just like women. The job of a midwife is to help women during pregnancy, birth, and after the baby is born. Even though the word “midwife” sounds like it’s just for women, it’s actually a job title for anyone—man or woman—who is trained to care for mothers and babies.

Why is the Word Still “Midwife”?

Even though it has “wife” in it, the word comes from old English where “mid” means “with” and “wife” meant “woman.” So a midwife was someone “with the woman” during birth. Today, it doesn’t mean the person has to be a woman—it’s just the name of the job.

The title “midwife” stays the same no matter who does the job. In fact, many people now feel that what is a male midwife is less important than how caring, skilled, and supportive they are.

What Do Male Midwives Do?

Male midwives do the same things as female midwives. They help pregnant women with:

  • Prenatal checkups
  • Answering questions about pregnancy
  • Helping during labor and delivery
  • Checking on the baby and mother after birth

You might find them working in:

  • Hospitals
  • Birthing centers
  • Clinics
  • Home birth services

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Some male midwives choose to work during evenings or weekends. If you want a flexible study schedule to become one, look into night and weekend nursing programs in your area.

How Do You Become a Male Midwife?

To become a midwife, you need to study nursing first. Then, you get more training in midwifery. Some people start by becoming Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and move forward from there.

If you’re asking, “what is a male midwife called?”, you might also be thinking about starting a career in nursing. If so, you can look for private LPN schools near me that offer small classes and hands-on training. Many male nurses start their journey this way.

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Final Thoughts

So, what is a male midwife called? The answer is simple: he’s called a midwife. In today’s world, job titles are not about gender, they’re about skill and heart. Male midwives are trusted, respected, and growing in number in 2025.

Whether you’re a man or woman, helping mothers and babies is a special job. More schools and students are seeing this, and it’s no surprise that when do clinicals start in nursing school is one of the top questions people ask when planning their future.

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