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All About NCLEX Lab Values

All About NCLEX Lab Values

All About NCLEX Lab Values

To become a licensed practical or licensed vocational nurse, you must pass the NCLEX-PN, which makes preparing challenging. However, laboratory values presented as challenging word problems should take precedence for the greatest preparation for this test. This post examines this range and how it relates to completing the last hurdle to becoming a licensed practical nurse.

Common NCLEX Lab Values

Understanding normal lab values and why doctors order tests are vital to passing the NCLEX. To succeed on this exam, you should become acquainted with its common lab values by searching for a practical nursing program near me.

Complete Blood Count

A CBC measuring five key components:

  • Red Blood cells: Carriers of oxygen.
  • White Blood cell: Defenders against infection.
  • Hemoglobin: Oxygen-carrying proteins found within red blood cells.
  • Hematocrit: The proportion of red blood cells within the plasma.
  • Platelets: Help with blood clotting processes and may aid coagulation as part of blood clotting mechanisms.

For what is a CBC used?

A comprehensive blood count test can diagnose infections, anemias, autoimmune diseases, bone marrow issues such as thrombocytopenias and erythrocytosis, and various cancerous forms, including leukemia in the nursing field.

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Metabolic Panel

NCLEX questions on metabolic panel values will also test your knowledge of their ranges. Reports indicate that metabolic panels consist of blood tests that provide information regarding metabolism by healthcare professionals. Metabolic panels can generally be divided into two types.

  • Basic Metabolic Panel.
  • Complete Metabolic Panel.

For what is a Metabolic Panel used?

A metabolic panel test may be ordered for various reasons; most commonly, though, it’s done on hospitalized patients to detect conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney disease and more in nursing education.

Arterial Blood Gas

An Arterial Blood Gas (ABG), also called a blood test, measures pH levels and oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in an artery for nursing faculty. This test measures how effectively oxygen enters your blood and exits through an exhaled breath from CO2; you can join weekend nursing programs to learn more about nursing career or the nursing profession.

ABG Components

An ABG consists of six core elements. There are six essential pieces in each ABG that work together.

  1. pH: pH measures the balance between acids and bases in your blood.
  2. Partial Pressure of Oxygen (PaO2): Measures how much oxygen has dissipated from your system into your body.
  3. Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (PaCO2): Measures carbon dioxide removal rate from your system.
  4. Bicarbonate: Calculated using pH and PaCO2 values to estimate how much carbon dioxide (CO2) has been created through combustion.
  5. Oxygen Saturation (O2 Sat): Measurements such as oxygen saturation content.
  6. Oxygen Content (O2CT): Measures the quantity of oxygen in your blood using the Oxygen content (O2CT) test.
  7. Hemoglobin: Measures hemoglobin levels in the blood checked by a professional nurse.

Coagulation Level

  • Coagulation level” refers to various laboratories.
  • Time to activate partial thromboplastin (PTT)
  • Prothrombin Time (PT)
  • Thrombin Time (TT)
  • Fibrinogen
  • INR

How to Run Coagulation Levels?

A medical provider may order a coagulation test if they suspect liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, or taking blood thinners such as Coumadin(r). They may also do this due to cardiovascular concerns. Lab work could also be ordered based on symptoms like these for patient care:

  • Bleeding
  • Easy bruising
  • Swelling
  • Find out more about Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Blood Clots

Lipid Panel

Other options include nonfasting panels as well. These may also include cholesterol panels.

  • Total Cholesterol: This measures overall cholesterol levels composed of LDL, VLDL, and HDL, which have been estimated.
  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL):  Often known as “bad cholesterol.” LDL collects in blood vessels where it causes plaque build-up within them, causing cholesterol build-up within arterial walls resulting in hardening.
  • VLDL lipoproteins: Total Cholesterol less HDL.
  • High-density (HDL) Lipoprotein: More commonly referred to as “good cholesterol,” it helps decrease accumulations of LDL in blood vessels by providing extra support against them.
  • Triglycerides: Subtypes of fat in bloodstream.

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Conclusion: Why Lab Values are Necessary for the NCLEX?

Lab values listed above are those most frequently ordered; as such, they’re essential in passing the NCLEX test and its Illinois Nclex Pass Rates and becoming familiar with them for your future career as a nurse. Understand normal and abnormal lab ranges to provide optimal care to patients in nursing jobs.

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