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5 Ways to Improve Patient Satisfaction – Tips for LPNs

5 Ways to Improve Patient Satisfaction – Tips for LPNs

Patient satisfaction is the main goal that all Doctors and LPNs aim and work for. It is the most significant priority of every medical person. Patient satisfaction is a kind of a measuring parameter that tells how content and satisfied a patient is with the medical care provided to him by the health care providers.

It is a crucial yet the most basic task that a Licensed Practical Nurse is supposed to ensure. It may seem easy but may turn out to be quite challenging too as every patient is different from one another.

Every patient goes through different medical issues and challenges. And tackling every different patient in a different manner, according to his nature, is what an LPN is supposed to understand, learn and do.

So, let us see the ways through which LPNs can improve patient satisfaction:-

1) Smile

The easiest tip to make your patient content and relaxed is to smile. Smile at your patients, greet them with wishes and ask them about their day. Just a little smile can go a long way with your patients and show your care and concern towards them. Also, the act of smiling stimulates neural messaging that helps in improving health, energy, and happiness.

2) Communicate

Having good communication skills is a must for an LPN. You must know the art of good communication as it helps in creating a bond with the patients. Communication helps in understanding what a patient is exactly feeling and going through and also helps him to open up with you. Thus for achieving your patient’s satisfaction, you must communicate with him regularly.

3) Eliminate Waiting Time

Nobody enjoys the waiting game. No one enjoys waiting for doctors, nurses, and LPNs when they don’t arrive at the scheduled appointment or nursing time. The patients start becoming frustrated and ultimately find themselves unsatisfied. Thus you should always make sure to appear at the right time and devote sufficient time in taking care and nursing of your patients.

4) Prep Your Patients

Often, patients undergo various kinds of operations and surgeries. Many of them become anxious and scared right before the commencement of the treatment. In such situations, LPNs can help them tackle anxiety issues and prepare them mentally for the scheduled operation. They can help the patients relax and make them feel secure. 

Thus this is also an important tip which an LPN must adopt while nursing their patients that ultimately ensures patient satisfaction.

5) Timely Nursing & Medication

It is the responsibility of an LPN to deliver proper and timely nursing to the patients. A patient will be satisfied only when he is rendered with timely nursing care and medication. Thus in order to ensure your patient’s satisfaction and well-being, you must take due care of these crucial things.

So, these were some of the most basic yet important ways that help in attaining patient satisfaction. Thus, if you are currently an LPN or studying under a Licensed Practical Nursing Program, you can adopt these tips in your LPN life.

Also, if you are searching for the best nursing schools in Illinois or even a practical nursing program near me, you can consider enrolling for LPN Programs of Verve College. We offer accredited LPN programs, anatomy and physiology classes, night and weekend nursing programs that may help you in beginning a remarkable career in nursing. It is one of the best nursing colleges in Illinois, certified with Illinois college of nursing accreditation.

Embark your nursing journey with Verve College.

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