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Textbook Information

Textbook Information
Book Title Edition ISBN #
1 Basic Pharmacology for Nursing 18th 978-0-323484367
2 Foundation for Nursing with EAL code 8th 978-0-323352574
3 Nursing Interventions and Clinical Skills 7th 978-0-323547017
4. Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 8th 978-0-323483971
5. Audit Health Nursing 8th 978-0-323484381
6. The Human Body in Health and Disease 7th 978-0-323402118
7. HESI Case Study N/A 978-1-455727353
8. Elsevier Adaptive Learning (EAL) N/A 978-0-323352475
9. ATI: Fundamentals for Nursing 10th 978-1-565335974
10. ATI: Nursing Leadership & Management 8th 978-1-565335981
11. ATI: Nutrition for Nursing 7th 978-1-565336025
12. ATI: Pharmacology for Nursing 8th 978-1-565331945
13. ATI: Learning Strategies: Your guide to classroom & test taking success N/A 978-1-933107998
14. ATI: Nurse’s Drug Handbook 19th 978-1-284167900
15. ATI: PN Adult Medical Surgical Nursing 11th 978-1-565331907
16. ATI: PN Mental Health Nursing 11th 978-1-565331921
17. ATI: PN Maternal Newborn Nursing 11th 978-1-565331914
18. ATI: PN Nursing Care of Children 11th 978-1-565331938
19. ATI: The Comprehensive NCLEX – PN Review 18th 978-1-565335851
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