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Career Services

Career Services


Helping students find employment after completing the nursing program is a priority to Verve College staff. We offer Career Development Services to every one of our students. Verve College focuses on four main objectives when aiding a student in the job search — Career Counseling, Externships and Clinicals, Resume Critique, and Job Placement Assistance. Verve College assists students in reaching their individual employment goals.

Career Counseling and Advising are the initial steps in aiding students in attaining their career objectives. Advisors, Admissions Counselors, and Career Services Counselors are here to help students on their path to achieving their employment goals. Career counseling starts the moment an individual arrives at Verve College.

Upon the successful completion of the nursing program or course with a minimum G.P.A of 3.0, Verve College students receive support in the other various aspects to help them not only enter the workforce as knowledgeable professionals but also marketable employees. Verve College provides students with a variety of skills to achieve this. Communication, presentation, and rhetoric skills of the student are evaluated and constructive feedback is offered. Students learn how to improve their manner and speech in an interview setting. The Career Services Advisors set up mock nursing interviews that help to prepare our graduates for the upcoming real-world career interviews. Verve College also provides assistance with resumes for our students who have already graduated. Please visit Career Services for more information

Externships and Clinicals are the next step for Verve College graduates to find their ideal employment. Admissions and Career Services Counselors work diligently in making affiliations and partnerships with the various local hospitals, medical centers, doctor’s offices, clinics, and other medical facilities in Chicago and surrounding communities for our students to receive hands-on training.

Verve College knows how important work experience is to an employer. Outside work experience is a great way for the students to sharpen their skills and gain experience attainable only in the professional environment of their specific field.

Resume Development and Critique – Cover letters and resumes are the first impressions that employers receive. The resume is the first glimpse into the candidate’s experiences and background. Verve College offers resume development services to ensure that students’ cover letters and resumes are professionally done and are ready to be sent out to prospective employers.

Career Services Assistance — Local newspapers, magazines, websites, and affiliate programs are checked periodically to see who is hiring nurses and shared with our students. Verve College staff contacts applicable facilities and attempts to work out an agreement with the facility to offer our students priority for employment. Our Career Manager sends emails, faxes, and posts jobs on Job Boards for our students.

Career Fairs are another excellent opportunity for students to find employment. Career fairs are a great way for students to network and receive a mock or preliminary interview. Students can utilize the skills they used in Career Development workshops and use the resumes that were critiqued by skilled staff.

Verve College is committed to assisting our students. However, Verve College cannot guarantee job placement.

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