Is a Nursing Career Right For You?

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Looking to take the next significant step to build a rewarding career in the field of Licensed Practical Nursing? Verve College offers you two highly interactive and popular LPN nursing programs — A&P Prep Course and PN Program. Our nursing programs are approved and accredited from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and the Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools of the Illinois Board of Higher Education. By becoming a Verve College nursing program student, you’ll have access to technologies and facilities in the College that prepare you to lead and meet the high demands of a skilled nursing professional in the industry. Build your career in the nursing field with great skills and excellence that ensure your long-term success in the healthcare domain.


Practical Nursing Program:

Practical nurses (PNs) care for the sick, injured, convalescent, and disabled under the direction of physicians and registered nurses. Most practical nurses in hospitals and nursing care facilities work a 40-hour week, but because patients need round-the-clock care, some work nights, weekends, and holidays may be required. PNs often stand for long periods and help patients move in bed, stand, or walk. 

The PN program at Verve College prepares entry-level nursing students to care for their patients with the highest standards of care. With knowledgeable instructors and a stimulating classroom environment in addition to high-quality clinicals with preceptors who are invested in your success, our nursing students are ready to enter the workforce upon graduation. 


Online Hybrid Practical Nursing Program:

Practical nurses (PNs) care for the sick, injured, convalescent, and disabled under the direction of physicians and registered nurses. Most practical nurses in hospitals and nursing care facilities work a 40-hour week, but because patients need round-the-clock care, some work nights, weekends, and holidays may be required. PNs often stand for long periods and help patients move in bed, stand, or walk.

The Hybrid PN program at Verve College prepares entry-level nursing students to care for their patients with the highest standards of care. With knowledgeable instructors and a hybrid online classroom environment in addition to high-quality clinicals with preceptors who are invested in your success, our nursing students are ready to enter the workforce upon graduation.


A&P Prep Course:

A thorough introductory course on human form and function. The Anatomy & Physiology Prep Course at Verve College presents a large, complex body of scientific knowledge in an easily understood, conversational writing style. Focusing on concepts rather than descriptions, the text uses a “big picture” theme of body function and explains the body’s homeostatic regulation. For the first time, every new textbook includes a downloadable e-book, which is a fully searchable, electronic version of the text plus learning resources from Anatomy & Physiology Online – with animations by body system, images, an electronic coloring book, interactive exercises, and more. This course gives students a basic understanding of how disease and nursing interventions affect the body as well as prepares students to continue their education and be successful in required science courses.

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