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Verve College Frequently Asked Questions

Is there enough room in the nursing program for me?

Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis after all application requirements are met. When the program seats have been filled, a waiting list will be started. If another student does not take the seat, waitlist students will be contacted in order. 


Does Verve College provide health insurance to students?

Students are responsible for maintaining their own personal health insurance. Verve College does not assume responsibility for illness or injury, nor liability for related expenses.


Can I work while I am in school?

Full-time employment is discouraged due to the intensity of the nursing program. Part-time employment of no more than 16-20 hours per week is advisable, so long as it does not impede coursework completion.


What is the class attendance policy?

Attending class and clinical experience is a responsibility of every nursing student and a necessity for evaluation. A student will be dismissed from the Nursing and other programs for exceeding the predetermined number of absences allowed. Students are not allowed to miss more than 24 clock hours from N101 and N102, and 12 clock hours from N103. For family emergencies or other unavoidable absences, speak with faculty and administration as soon as possible.


What grades are considered good academic standing?

Students must maintain a minimum of a B (83.5%) in each course and a Satisfactory (“S”) on each clinical evaluation, or they will be dismissed from the nursing program. We are invested in your success and will make every effort to help all students meet the requirements, to include tutoring. If you are falling behind or struggling, don’t wait to reach out for help. 


What type of schedules are offered at the school?

Verve College offers very flexible class and clinical schedules. Students can attend day, evening, or weekend classes. Check our website for current course schedules. 


How can I pay for the tuition?

Verve College offers interest-free payment plan options that can be set up at the time of registration. Financial aid is available for the PN program for those who qualify. Verve College also accepts student loans from Sallie Mae and other lenders and government grants through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. IDPH and other scholarships are accepted. Verve College also accepts Veterans Affairs benefits.

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