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Verification Policy

Verification Policy

Verification is a process which requires an institution to confirm the accuracy of information used to determine a student’s eligibility for federal student assistance. A student’s file may be selected for verification by either the school or the U.S. Department of Education.

If a student’s file has been selected for review under the verification process, depending upon the reason the file was selected, some of all of the following information may be requested from the student:

1. A completed Verification Worksheet, signed by the student, spouse, or parent when applicable.

2. A copy of an IRS Tax Return Transcript from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service will be required unless the student (and parents where applicable) have properly used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to import tax information into the student’s FAFSA record. A Tax Return Transcript will serve to confirm the accuracy of the income and other tax related amounts that the student reported on his/her FAFSA application if the IRS/DRT has not been used.

Obtaining Tax Return Transcripts

Students can obtain tax return transcripts:

  • Via the Internet at
  • Via phone by calling 1-800-908-9946
  • Via mail or fax by completing IRS Form 4506T-EZ

Internet and phone request are easy and tax return transcripts will be mailed to the tax filer’s address within 5-10 days. Submission of Form 4506T-EZ can authorize mailing of the transcript to a third party (such as the institution) but will take approximately 30 days.

3.  Other documentation may be requested by the institution to verify the accuracy of your application information including, but not limited to, marital settlement agreements, divorce decrees, W-2 forms, etc.

Verve College requires Students to provide the above information to the institution within 14 calendar days from the Orientation or start date of the class. Failure to complete the verification requirements on a timely basis may result in forfeiture of any federal aid awarded during the award year and/or cancellation of enrollment.

Students will be notified by Verve College if any discrepancies are discovered during the verification process. Students may be required to correct any erroneous information by using the ISIR correction process at The verification process is not considered to be completed during periods of corrective action. Corrections generally include a recalculation of the student’s EFC, and electronic resubmission of applicant information through the FAFSA Central Processor.

If a student’s award changes as a result of the verification process and or EFC change, the student will be counseled and informed of how the change effects his/her packaging and financial obligation to Verve College. Student will contacted by email and a phone call. Students will be required to sign a new award letter.

In the event this verification process identifies that a student received an overpayment of federal aid, the student will be required to refund the overpayment promptly. The student will be ineligible for any future federal aid until any and all amounts owed are repaid. If the student fails to repay any refund due, or if Verve College determines that the student may have engaged in fraud or misrepresentation regarding the federal aid process, the student will be referred to the U.S. Department of Education for further investigation and persecution.

After conducting the review of an application, any credible information indicating that an applicant of Title IV assistance may have engaged in fraud or other criminal misconduct in connection with his or her application will refer to the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Education for investigation. Examples of this type of information are:

1. False claims of independent student status
2. False claims of citizenship
3. Use of false identities
4. Forgery of signature or certifications

In addition, any credible information indicating that any employee, third-party services, or other agent of the institution that acts in a capacity that involves the administration of the Title IV programs, or the receipt of funds under those programs, may have engaged in fraud, misrepresentation, conversion or breach of fiduciary responsibility, or other illegal conduct involving Title IV programs. The type of information that an institution must refer is that which is relevant to the eligibility and funding of the institution and its students through the Title IV, HEA programs.

If an applicant is selected to very any of the following information, Verve College must obtain the specified documentation.

1. Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), income earned from work, or U.S. income tax paid- An applicant selected
for verification of AGI, income earned from work or U.S. income tax paid to submit:

  • A copy of the income tax return or an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form that lists tax account information of the applicant, his or her spouse, or his or her parents, as applicable for the specified year. The copy of the return must include the signature (which need not be an original) of the filer of the return or of one of the filers of a joint return;
  • For a dependent student, a copy of each IRS Form W-2 for the specified year received by the parent whose income is being taken into account if
    • The parents filed a joint return
    • The parents are divorced or separated or one of the parents had died
  • For an independent student, a copy of each IRS Form W-2 for the specified year he or she received if the independent student
    • Filed a joint return
    • Is a widow or widower, or is divorced or separated
  • Verve College may accept, in lieu of an income tax return or an IRS form that lists tax account information, the information reported for an item on the applicant’s FAFSA for the specified year if the Secretary has identified that item as having been obtained from the IRS and not having been changed.
  • Verve College must accept, in lieu of an income tax return or an IRS form that lists tax account information, if the individual for the specified year.
    • Has not filed and, under IRS rules, or other applicable government agency rules, is not required to file an income tax return
    • Is required to file a U.S. tax return and has been granted a filing extension by the IRS
    • Has requested a copy of the tax return or an IRS form that lists tax account information, and the IRS or a government of a U.S. territory or commonwealth or a foreign central government cannot locate the return or provide an IRS form that lists tax account information.
  • Verve College must accept for an individual that has not filed and, under IRS rules, or other applicable government agency rules, and is not required to file an income tax return a statement signed by that individual certifying that he or she has not filed and is not required to file an income tax return for the specified year and certifying for that year that individual’s:
    • Sources of income earned from work as stated on the FAFSA; and
    • Amounts of income from each source. In lieu of a certification of these amounts of income, the applicant may provide a copy of his or her IRS Form W-2 for each source of income earned form work.
  • For an individual required to file a U.S. tax return and has been granted a filing extension by the IRS, the following is required:
    • A copy of the IRS Form 4868, “Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return,” that the individual filed with the IRS for the specified year, or a copy of the IRS’s approval of an extension beyond the automatic six-month extension if the individual requested an additional extension of the filing time
    • A copy of each IRS Form W-2 that the individual received for the specified year, or for a self-employed individual, a statement signed by the individual certifying the amount of the AGI for the specified year
  • For an individual that has requested a copy of the tax return or an IRS form that lists tax account information, and the IRS or a government of a U.S. territory or commonwealth or a foreign central government cannot locate the return or provide an IRS form that lists tax account information
    • A copy of each IRS Form W-2 that the individual received for the specified year; or
    • For an individual who is self-employed or has filed an income tax return with government of a U. S. territory or commonwealth, or a foreign central government, a statement signed by the individual certifying the amount of AGI and taxes paid for the specified year.
  • An institution may require an individual that is required to file a U.S. tax return and has been granted a filing extension by the IRS to provide to it a copy of his or her completed and signed income tax return when filed. If an institution receives the copy of the return, it must reverify the AGI and taxes paid by the applicant and his or her spouse or parents.
  • If an individual who is required to submit an IRS Form W-2 under Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), income earned from work, or U.S. income tax paid verification is unable to obtain one in a timely manner, the institution may permit that individual to set forth, in a statement signed by the individual, the amount of income earned from work, the source of that income, and the reason that the IRS Form W-2 is not available in a timely manner.
  • Verve College may accept in lieu of a copy of an income tax return signed by the filer of the return or one of the filers of a joint return, a copy of the filer’s return that includes the preparer’s Social Security Number, Employer Identification Number or the Preparer Tax Identification Number and has been signed, stamped, typed, or printed with the name and address of the preparer of the return.

2. Number of family members in household. An institution must require an applicant selected for
verification of the number of family members in the household to submit to it a statement signed by both
the applicant and one of the applicant’s parents if the applicant is a dependent student, or only the
applicant if the applicant is an independent student, listing the name and age of each family member in
the household and the relationship of that household member to the applicant.

3. Number of family household members enrolled in eligible postsecondary institutions.

  • An institution must require an applicant selected for verification of the number of household members in the applicant’s family enrolled on at least a half-time basis in eligible postsecondary institutions to submit a statement signed by both the applicant and one of the applicant’s parents, if the applicant is a dependent student, or by only the applicant if the applicant is an independent student, listing:
    • The name of each family member who is or will be attending an eligible postsecondary
      educational institution as at least a half-time student in the award year;
    • The age of each student;
    • The name of the institution that each student is or will be attending.
  • If the institution has reason to believe that an applicant’s FAFSA information or the statement provided regarding the number of family household members enrolled in eligible postsecondary institutions is inaccurate, the institution must obtain a statement from each institution named by the applicant that the household member in question is or will be attending the institution on at least a half-time basis, unless:
    • The institution the student is attending determines that such a statement is not available because the household member in question has not yet registered at the institution he or she plans to attend
    • The institution has information indicating that the student will be attending the same institution as the applicant.

4. Other information. If an applicant is selected to verify other information specified in the annual Federal
Register notice, the applicant must provide the documentation specified for that information in
the Federal Register notice.

Once the Verve College Financial Aid office receives your documents we will review your FAFSA data. In reviewing the
information, we may have additional requests or clarifications that are needed. Be sure to check your UCCS email
often, as requests will be sent there. Submit the requested information as soon as possible so we can continue the
review of your file. Failure to submit the requested information prevents us from completing your file, you
knowing your aid package, and from receiving most disbursements of funds.

Students will forfeit their right to federal assistance for non-compliance with verification policies.

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