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Foreign Credits

Foreign Credits

Verve College accepts foreign credit applicants who have completed college course work outside of the U.S. To find out if any of their credits will transfer, prospects are required to have their transcripts evaluated by one of the agencies below. Foreign High Schools are accepted by Verve College as long as it is evaluated and is equal to a U.S. High School Diploma.

Educational Perspectives

P.O.Box 618056
Chicago, IL 60661-8056
312-421-9300 tel
312-421-9353 fax

Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.

P.O. Box 514070
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203-3470
Phone: 414-289-3400

World Education Services, Inc.

Bowling Green Station
P.O. Box 5087
New York, New York 10274-5087
Phone: 212-966-6311
Fax: 212-739-6100

Foreign college credits will be accepted by Verve College only after they have been evaluated by one of the agencies listed above.

Please note, a $50 fee will be assessed for reviewing the evaluated transcripts.

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