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Concepcion – PN

Concepcion – PN

Guy’s this program was a challenge it is very accelerated. You must be ready to study. I could say there were days I only slept 4-5 hrs a day for weeks. But I did it. It’s not over yet I still need to pass NCLEX. But I will like to thank all Verve College for their support, always looking how to help the students when they were in need for material to help us study. But I would like to thank you to the management, our group of teachers and of course the great group of staff always helping students. I could say come enjoy the group, make your dreams come true, improve your skills if already in the nursing field. “I thought I could not do it, but I did”. My recommendations are to make friends day one and form part of groups studies and comprise yourself to study, you could accomplish all since it’s a lot of material. One more time thanks Verve College for giving me the opportunity of being part of this dream.